TerraZyme a bio-enzymatic soil stabiliser.
A replacement for metalling and soling for construction of roads, yards and parking lots We would like to introduce ourselves as a Civil Engineering Company involved in the construction of roads using an innovative technology called TerraZyme, a bio enzymatic
soil stabilizer.
TerraZyme, manufactured by Nature Plus Inc U.S is an excellent replacement for metalling and solling. TerraZyme is a liquid extract from sugar molasses that improves the engineering qualities of the soil like CBR values and density and decreases the OMC,
plasticity index of soil.
The main feature of TerraZyme is the remarkable cost saving aspect. TerraZyme saves cost from 15% to 40% in comparison to the conventional system of road construction. Maintenance cost is dramatically reduced up to about 75%.
Understanding the construction activities that your firm would be involved in developing the respective retail outlets, we would like to mention that TerraZyme would be an ideal solution for Quality roads with a tremendous Cost saving feature.